Sustainability is hiring students! Learn more about current opportunities
Text reads "Vision, direction and support for sustainability in all its dimensions." Photos of produce, a doctor and a class taking place.


Getting Re-used to it

UC Davis is embarking on a transformative journey to phase out the purchase and use of single-use plastics from our food service establishments and replace them with reusable or locally compostable alternatives.

The Green Initiative Fund renewed in student elections

It’s official! The Green Initiative Fund, or TGIF, will continue funding undergraduate-centered sustainability projects through the 2030-31 academic year after a successful referendum, voted on by students.

Sheep Shift Climate Poetry

What words come to mind when you think about climate change? Urgency? Innovation? Carbon-free? Now, imagine those very words adorning the fluffy coats of sheep, transforming them into living symbols of our sustainability goals. Only at UC Davis could such a whimsical, yet meaningful event take place.